
Concentration Calculator

Get the Concentration Calculator for chemistry to do concentration calculations for any chemical solution! Calculate the amounts needed for all ingredients that your solution contains to create your recipe easily with our Concentration Calculator.


What can our Concentration Calculator do for you?


Automatic calculations

No need to remember formulas! Just input your protocol data and the Concentration Calculator tells you the amounts of different chemicals you need to put into your reaction. It can also calculate concentrations of many ingredients in the same recipe expressed in different units.


Automatic unit scale conversion

Our calculator “understands” milli-, micro-, nano- units, you do not need to convert them yourself. In addition, the calculator automatically adjusts the calculated numbers to ones that are easier to read. For example, you will see 2 mL instead of 0.002 L.


Results export

Download your recipe in .json format to continue working on it later. The next time you need to prepare the same buffer, simply open your .json file and change the amount. You can also save and print a PDF in case you need it for your lab book.

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